As seen in this tutorial (Achieving the Perfect, Draping Fringe): Materials: Design uses brick stitch and fringe. I have marked where the changes are so it’s easier to see. I accented mine with 2mm fire polished crystals (just leave the center 4 beads out to include a center crystal). I also added some on… Continue reading “Goddess Fringe Earrings” Free Beading Pattern
Category: Art Deco
“Art Deco Revival Fringe Earrings” Free Beading Pattern: Updated with a Long & Mini Version!
Materials: Design uses 2-up brick stitch and fringe. I have marked where the changes are are so it’s easier to see. Center is filled with 1, 2, and 3 mm fire polished crystals. I also added some on the fringe. Refer to images of the completed earrings if you have questions, or leave a comment… Continue reading “Art Deco Revival Fringe Earrings” Free Beading Pattern: Updated with a Long & Mini Version!